The ability with our minds to recognize the abilities of dangerous animals and strong opponents gives us a form of superiority in certain situations. After all, the principle of imitation is something that nature has always done. Only by imitating the behavior of a caregiver do children learn how to behave and learn certain things. The Shaolin Monks had the will to use what nature had already given and adapt it for themselves, because after all, nature is the strongest thing that exists. The Shaolin Principle thus gives us deep insights into the nature of others. Imitation reveals to us the thoughts and feelings of others and allows us to predict their actions and reactions to our behavior. From a combat and tactical perspective, this principle is one of the strongest for the development of the Kung Fu.
The five Shaolin Animal styles, as Hung Gar referred to, were imitated not only as general self-defense but also for health purposes. The 5 animals are: The Crane, the Tiger, the Snake, the Leopard and the Dragon.
As a graceful bird, the crane uses its energy elegantly. Standing on one leg, he conserves his energy and then rises into the air. It stabs with lightning speed and precision with its beak. When imitating the crane, kicks and the pointed crane fist are very important.
The crane style stands for elegance and teaches not to waste energy, to attack the vital points and to suddenly change location.
In martial arts, the tiger represents inner strength. The tiger first sneaks up on its prey before pouncing on it. Tiger techniques have a supple, soft component. Above all, however, they express concentrated power and superiority. Since the tiger provides inner strength, the tiger techniques strengthen the bones from a health perspective.
The snake is closest to earth energy and chi. Snakes move very smoothly and fluidly, but at the same time they are also very focused and goal-oriented. With the snake style, you improve your own energy flow. This style stands for vitality, inner strength through strengthening the Qi (or Chi).
The Leopard stands for its unsurpassable speed. After lurking in trees and looking for his prey, he explosively pounces on them as soon as he has spotted something good. The special thing about his technique is that he waits for exactly the right moment and then acts very quickly. The Leopard Spirit also helps us to act faster and more effectively in everyday life.
The dragon is often considered the highest of animal forms in Chinese martial arts. It symbolizes a clear mind and mental focus. Thanks to his mystical powers and divine origin, he can combine all animal styles. The dragon movements represent both the refinement of the mind and a strong ability to concentrate, as well as an intelligent willingness to make decisions.